Immersion in Inner Space

This day we will immerse in and deeply connect to ourself. We will do this through exercises to explore the principles of Pralaya Yoga and an extended Shamanic Journey to sink in the so-called Silent Mind. A unique combination!

To experience the principles of Pralaya Yoga will bring a deeper understanding of your body. How to balance the muscles around the joints of your arms, legs, neck and back so that you will have the tools in your backpack to heal ánd prevent injuries. We will learn to deeply feel what effect these sometimes subtle yoga based exercises have on your body.

You don’t have to have a yoga practice to participate. You will be able to apply these principles in any other form of movement and because of this, this workshop is recommended for everyone who wants to learn to apply them safely and consciously.

You will dive into  the weekend in a deep state of relaxation as Josine will guide you through a Silent Mind drum Journey at the end of this day.

This day is a collaboration of Josine Hesselbach and Laika Buser.

Josine is the founder of HeelSaam and has over 25 years of experience in the field of healing the body and mind. She and Laika followed different forms of yoga Teacher Trainings and will combine all they know in this workshop. Laika is also active as a coach and Tarot Card reader.

We will start at 11 and end the day at 5 o’clock

Exchange: €111,- p.p. including tea, refreshments and soup during the break. There is a limited space of 12 participants because of the size of the room.

Sign up through email

Questions? Send an email or contact me through: 06 18706018

Soft touch, deep healing