2-day Intro Workshop

2-day Intro Workshop Shamanic Cranio Healing

This intro workshop Shamanic Cranio Healing focusses on learning to facilitate a deeply healing relaxation for your client. You will get to know the unique combination of Cranio Sacral work with Shamanic Journeys. In 2 days you will learn several Cranio Sacral techniques which you can directly apply. With the help of the Journeys you will make a start to, really easily, come into a meditative state. Together, this makes it possible to experience and offer ultimate spaceholding.

We will mostly dive into the experience. The experience of giving and receiving. By experiencing it, your body will learn what it means to be touched in a Cranio-way. This is actually a really natural way of touching, listening (with your hands), of just BEING. Something most of us have forgotten in our busy society of ‘doing’.

Cranio Sacral work is about ‘not-doing’ and working with intention from a place that’s called the ‘Quiet Mind’. Touching from this deep meditative state will by itself create the right conditions for the wisdom and healing abilities of the body to do what is necessary. From this place of deep relaxation, your client can (re)connect with their own body and everything that’s going on.

Everyone can learn this and you don’t need any previous knowledge.

Soft touch, deep healing