searching for yourself
for your essence
your passion
HeelSaam guides you on the path of healing, personal development, and spiritual growth. A deep desire for change – a longing for more, or something different, than what you’ve experienced so far, can make you embark on that journey. Sometimes, the journey is sparked by a significant event or situation that ‘awakened’ you. Or it starts with a physical or emotional issue, a problem with yourself or your surroundings. In any way, things need to change, something needs to be solved or fixed, but it hasn’t worked out so far or at least not enough.
Due to HeelSaam’s wide range of activities with not only individual sessions, but also workshops, courses and yoga classes you can approach your desire, condition or problem from various angles and in addition, be actively involved. For example, if you are dealing with a physical complaint, an individual session can bring significant relief. However, the ‘Immersion Workshop’ or even a yoga class can provide deeper insight into how your body functions, along with practical tools for you to work with on your own. And if you wish to dive deeper into your healing, your personal development and the essence of who you are, the Trilogy Workshops as well as the courses in Shamanic Cranio Healing, might be an excellent choice, in addition to individual sessions.
From experience it shows that, with almost all ‘problems’, a more or less high level of stress is a major underlying factor. From there, we then unconsciously function from a survival mode. HeelSaam believes that you were always ‘whole’ and still are. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. In essence you are complete, but we develop habits and patterns to ensure a sense of safety. These patterns are often very old, originating from our childhood, and we’ve begun to believe that they define who we are. These survival and defense mechanisms form layers over our true selves, and we end up reacting from those layers.
All sessions, workshops, and courses at HeelSaam are designed to help you move out of this survival mode. This is what healing is, personal development and true spiritual growth you can experience. When you’re no longer reacting from a place of survival, you can begin to dis-cover who you truly are, and what you come to bring and are meant to do here on Earth. Then you will be able to live and create from your authentic self.
HeelSaam derives from the Dutch word ‘heilzaam’, meaning ‘wholesome’. The way it is written is composed of two words: ‘heel’ meaning heal & ‘saam’ (samen) meaning together.
Healing Together is beyond Wholesome, knowing we’re never alone, but rather All One.
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