Trilogy Cranio
Trilogy of 3 seminars – Shamanic Cranio Healing
After Basics I & II, these 4-day seminars can be followed separately, basically in any order. At the same time, the trilogy is a profound journey from head to heart, from ‘survival’ to living life to the fullest. Therefore It”s strongly recommended to attend in the order offered.
For you as a shamanic cranio practitioner, the 4 days consist of participating in the 2-day, -open for everyone-, weekend workshop. Subsequently another weekend focussing on further dis-covering the healer that you are, including many new cranio techniques on the same theme.
In the calendar you will find dates, locations and costs. Make sure you first attend the open workshop with the same theme, before you register for the related Cranio weekend.
For these three Cranio seminars the costs will be split in a way that you will pay full price for the open weekend and later for the related Cranio weekend the costs for a full 4-day seminar minus the amount you’ve already paid for the open weekend.
1. Connecting to your Body – Stress Release
These two days are again filled with Shamanic Journeys that support you in the ‘being’ of the space-holder for your client and their process. And cranio techniques aimed at discharging the physical ‘alarm system’ with, for example, eye work, more psoas, but also some brain techniques. With the necessary theoretical background.
2. Healing your Heart
The same content outline as the 1st weekend with cranio techniques here that mainly focus on communicating. This Includes mouth work, which contributes to a free ‘Avenue of Expression’, so you can actually communicate what lives in your heart. And we start with SER (Somato Emotional Release), for which you learn how to ‘talk’ in your sessions, in order to deepen the experience for your client.
3. Embracing your Inner Child
Delving into more SER, where we learn to facilitate a family constellation on the table, but also a shamanic trauma healing. And in addition a piece of ‘therapeutic development’, focused on projection (transference and countertransference), where we will investigate the concepts both theoretically and practically.
– prerequisites: Basics I & II and the related open weekend –